1.National Health Insurance System
National Health Insurance System enables us to receive medical treatments with relatively reasonable cost.
International students with 乬Student乭 status in Japan are required to join this system so that they will bear only 30% of their medical expenses.
丒Where to apply丗National Health Insurance Division at your local city hall
丒Required documents丗Residence card and passport
仺You will receive 乬National Health Insurance乭 card upon application. (If not, ask the staff.)Make sure to take your card with you whenever you receive medical treatment.

Note that you need to make a monthly payment. However, you can apply for 60% discount of the payment if you show them that you had no income or below a certain income made in Japan in the previous year.Please ask the staff for more details.
Also, if you find your medical expenses quite expensive, ask the staff about High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit.
When you go back to your home country after your study in Japan, make sure to return your insurance card and settle any outstanding fees at your local city hall prior to your departure.
2.Other insurances
International students must apply for and purchase the following insurances. More detailed information can be provided at the Student Welfare Section of the Student Support Division.

(1)Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research [Additional coverage for commuting accidents] (Gakkensai )
This insurance covers expenses for international students who sustain an injury during their regular work, extra-curricular activities and the commute between their home and NWU according to the number of days of treatment.
(2) Liability Insurance coupled with 乬Gakkensai 乭 (Futaibaiseki ) [A course: Liability Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkenbai )]
This insurance will provide compensation for damages that occur when international students injure another person or destroy someone else乫s property during classes, at school events or during their travels.

Visit the following website for details:
仠Life at NWU_ Health Management:

仠Website for Japan Educational Exchange Services(Japanese only):

MEXT Scholarship students and exchange students must take out additional insurance 乬Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives乭.
The International Students Section of the International Division will give these students more details accordingly.
*Non MEXT Scholarship student can take out this insurance.Please consult with the staff at the International Division
3.Health Care Center
Health Care Center helps students maintain and improve their mental and physical health with regular checkup and consultation, and give them first-aid treatment for injury or sudden illness on campus.
Opening hours: from 9 to 17, Monday through Friday.

Call Emergency Relief Center in Nara when you are unsure about calling an ambulance or going to a clinic outside the above hours. They are available on 24/7.
Emergency Relief Center in Nara:#7119乮or 0744-20-0119
4.Hospitals and Clinics around the University
Institution TEL Services
Sawai Hospital 0742-23-3086 Internal Medicine, Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, others
Nara City Hospital 0742-24-1251 General Medical Department, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Orthopedics, others
Sano Clinic *Available in English 0742-22-3277 Internal Medicine, Respiratory department, Allergy, Gastrointestinal department, Medical checkup (at your own expense)
Matsukura Hospital 0742-26-6941 Orthopedics
Sanjodori Orthopedics Clinic


Takai Ladies Clinic 0742-26-0551 Gynecology
Iida Dermatology 0742-23-0701 Dermatology
Ishizaki Eye Clinic 0742-26-2091 Ophthalmological clinic
Tamaki Otolaryngology 0742-26-6587 Otolaryngology
JR Nara Station Dental Clinic 0742-34-1228 Dentistry
Tomimori Dental Clinic 0742-22-3332 Dentistry
Nara City Emergency Clinic 0742-34-1228 Internal Medicine
Weekdays Night: 21:00 乣 5:30
Saturday: 14:30 乣 18:30, 21:30 乣 5:30
Holiday: 9:30 乣 18:30, 21:30 乣 5:30
Nara City Emergency Dental Clinic 0742-70-4182 Dentistry
Holiday: 9:30 乣 11:30, 13:00 乣 15:30
*Check surgery hours before your visit.
5.A First-aid Kit
We recommend you to have a first-aid kit in your room.
仠hermometer, band-aid (plaster), cooling sheet, cold compress etc.
仠painkiller (e.g. paracetamol), stomach medication
仠sports drink, Oral Rehydration Solution, pre-packed food (e.g. rice porridge)
6.Regular Health Checkup (except for Non-regular students)
Students take health checkup in every April.
More details will be available on the website (/hoken/index.html) and bulletin board accordingly. The health check items include height and weight measurement, urinalysis, visual acuity test, hearing test (conversation method), chest X-ray film and medical examination. The results can be issued as 乬health checkup certificate乭 by automatic issuing machine.
7.Tuberculosis (TB)
TB is an infectious disease. When you have prolonged cough, please consult a medical institution immediately. If you also have a slight fever and night sweats with such cough, go see a doctor without delay.
More detailed information can be found by the following site:

乹Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health Multilingual movie about tuberculosis YouTube乺
仠 About TB 亙English亜 亙Chinese亜
仠 TB Control 亙English亜 亙Chinese亜
Check this website for detailed information on a regular basis.