

国際シンポジウム Symposium

Community, Welfare, Technology for Society in the 21st Century

 Application form


・日 時  2019年1月25日(金) 10:00−17:00
       (開場 9:30−)
 Date   January 25, 2019   10:00−17:00
       (Registration 9:30−)

・会 場  東大寺総合文化センター 小ホール
 Venue  Todaiji Culture Center Small Hall, Nara, Japan
・定 員  先着80名
 Seating Capacity 80 seats available
・言 語  日本語−英語 (同時通訳あり)
 Language English and Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation)
・参加費  無料
 Participation Free


 In the globalized world in the 21st century, although human mobility and the transfer of institutions, knowledge and technology are expanding and accelerating, local communities have complex difficulties involving aging, poverty and health that the uneven distribution of population and wealth has brought about.
 Many approaches are also introduced in various parts of the world to cope with these problems. However, each community we are facing has its own socio-cultural context, and it is still an important issue how to effectively operate the transplanted institutions, knowledge, technology, and initiatives under each socio-cultural context.
 "Technology for society" and "Dialogue between society and technology" or "participatory research" are considered important as a framework for challenging this task. " Technology for society " is a technology to integrate knowledge of multiple fields of natural science, humanities and social sciences to build a new social system. What we call "dialogue between society and technology" or "participatory research" is to consider institutions, technologies and research and development that respond to the various problems facing society, considering the socio-cultural context.
 Under this vision, at this symposium, we would like to introduce the welfare and empowerment attempts of people, families and communities that have been premised on the social culture in various parts of the world, and to establish the network to share them.


10:00−10:15 開会挨拶 Opening Session
 藤原素子(奈良女子大学 副学長)
 Motoko Fujiwara(Vice-president,Nara Women's University)

10:15−12:00 セッション1:現状と課題 Session 1:Trendes and Issues
 司会:水垣源太郎(奈良女子大学 社会学)
 Chair: Gentaro Mizugaki(Nara Women's University, Sociology)


 Ísmail Tufan(トルコ アクデニズ大学 老年学)
 Ísmail Tufan(Akdeniz University, Turkey,Gerontology)
  「Technology and Society」

 M. Saiful Islam(バングラデシュ ダッカ大学 人類学)
 M. Saiful Islam(The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,Anthropology)
  「Why Do Community Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Technologies Fail
   in Rural Bangladesh? Exploring the Significance of Culture
   in Promoting Mitigation Technologies」

 徐業良(台湾 元智大学 老年工学)
 Yeh-Liang Hsu(Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, Gerontechnology)
  「Gerontechnology: From research to daily applications」


 青木美紗(奈良女子大学 農業経済学)
 Misa Aoki(Nara Women's University, Agricultural Economics)

 佐藤克成(奈良女子大学 情報理工学)
 Katsunari Sato(Nara Women's University, Information Science and Technology)

 磯部香(奈良女子大学 ジェンダー研究)
 Kaori Isobe(Nara Women's University, Gender Studies)

12:00−13:30 ランチ ブレイク Lunch break

13:30−15:00 セッション2:取組と展望 Session 2: Challenges and Prospects

 司会:寺岡伸悟(奈良女子大学 社会学)
 Chair: Shingo Teraoka(Nara Women's University, Sociology)


 村上 育子(トルコ アクデニズ大学 老年学)
 Ikuko Murakami, Akdeniz University, Turkey (Gerontology)
  「A Consideration of the State of Interpersonal Relations in aged societies:
   A comparison between Turkey and Japan」

 中林美奈子(日本 富山大学 看護学)
 Minako Nakabayashi, University of Toyama, Japan (Nursing Science)
  「Underlying Strength of Community Residents: Expanding Social Capital
    in a Community by Utilizing Assistive Technology for Walking in TOYAMA」

 後藤 学 (日本 株式会社Helte)
 Manabu Goto, Helte Co., Ltd., Japan

 水垣源太郎(日本 奈良女子大学 社会学)
 Gentaro Mizugaki, Nara Women's University, Japan (Sociology)
  「縮小社会においてコミュニティが役立つとき役に立たないとき 」
  「What Makes the Community Work or Underwork in a Shrinking Society」

 討論 Discussion

15:00−15:20 コーヒー ブレイク Coffee break

15:20−16:20 セッション3:パネルディスカッション Session 3: Panel Discussion

16:20−17:00 クロージングセッション Closing Session

<お申込み How to Register
 Application form

<お問合せ Contact
   奈良女子大学社会連携センター Nara Women's University Social Cooperation Center
    ・TEL 0742-20-3734(土日祝日、2018.12.29−2019.1.6を除く10時-17時まで)
    ・FAX 0742-20-3958
    ・E-mail kouza@jimu.nara-wu.ac.jp

<主催 Organaizers
   奈良女子大学 大和・紀伊半島学研究所なら学研究センター、アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究センター、
   Nara Women's University The Research Center for Nara Studies,
   Center for Gender and Women's Culture in Asia, Social Cooperation Center, Office of Research Planning

<協力  Sponsor
   Sponsored by JST-RISTEX Project "Redesigning communities for aged society"
