About Us僙儞僞乕奣梫

Basic Policy on International Exchange
at Nara Women's University

One of our principles is to be an open university. That means we are committed to promoting international exchange and contributing to the regional society. As this principle advocates, we are expect to further enhance and develop international exchange in both educational and research fields. To carry out international exchange activities positively and effectively, we hereby establish our basic policies.

1. Enhancing quality of international exchange
We actively promote exchange activities with outstanding researchers and students overseas, enhancing the quality of international exchange and contributing to academic activities.
2. Promoting distinctive international exchange
We take advantage of our educational and research characteristics that we have accumulated for years and further promote international exchange and cooperation with Asia and other countries. We also seek to establish the new development of distinctive international exchange activities based on the development of education and research for the future and global needs.
3. Encouraging international academic exchange agreements
To promote international exchange activities systematically, we make efforts to vitalize exchanges activities with our partner universities and further seek to conclude agreements with universities and institutions with whom we expect to achieve fruitful relationships.
4. Sending information to strengthen international exchange
We are developing this website as well as other publications to deliver quickly and accurately the latest information on our education and research activities and achievements to researchers and students both in Japan and abroad.
5. Developing and enhancing the structure to promote international exchange
The International Exchange Center as its central role works together with relevant divisions to promote exchange with international students and academic communities abroad.

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart

Outline of the International Strategy Center

International Exchange Planning WG

  • Planning and implementation of international exchange programs
  • Promotion of activities based on academic exchange agreements
  • International development cooperation
  • Study and research on international exchange activities

International Education WG

  • Education and support for international students
  • Exchange activities with local community
  • Instruction and advice to Japanese students studying abroad
  • Study and research on international education
