Introduction of Divisions

Department of Language and Culture [Master's Course]

The Division of Language and Culture

This department is mainly concerned with languages and literature, paying careful attention to their cultural contexts in general. The department offers two courses: Japanese and Asian Language and Culture, and European and American Language and Culture. It is possible to transfer to the Ph.D. course in Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, provided that the requirements are fulfilled.

Japanese and Asian Course
This course covers Japanese Language and Literature from the Nara Period to today, and Classical Chinese Literature. Taking into consideration the languages and cultures in East Asia, these aspects of literature will be pursued in terms of genre, schools, writers and so forth. The close relationship between languages and cultures will be examined by focusing on literary expressions and structures.
European and American Course
The course explores five fields of studies related to European and American Languages and Literature. The program for Linguistics pursues the study on the nature of human language and linguistic theories. It covers syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse studies. Contrastive research on languages including Japanese is also possible. The program for English Literature and Culture aims to study three main genres of literature, poetry, drama, and fiction, from the age of Shakespeare to the present day. The program for American Literature and Culture looks at American literature in relation to history and culture in general. The program for German Literature and Culture includes German literature, Swiss literature, and Austrian literature, myth and folk tales, music and visual art. The aim of the program for French Literature and Culture is to study French literature together with other kinds of art and other related academic areas such as semiotics and anthropology.

[Educational Philosophy]
This Department promotes research and education from a wide range of perspectives, focusing mainly on research in Language and Culture, and with attention to general cultural phenomena closely related to these fields. Students will conduct in-depth independent research into their own selected themes, under the careful guidance of instructors in diverse departmental fields including Japanese Language and Literature, Chinese Language and Literature, British and American Literature, German and French Literature, and Linguistics. In this way, the Department fosters qualified researchers and professionals who can make valuable use of these highly specialized skills.

[Expectations of Students]
This Department seeks students with a clear vision of their own research themes, as well as a sense of curiosity, a broad perspective, and the desire to take on challenges in a diverse range of courses.
For example, a student might practice reading handwritten manuscripts painstakingly, one character at a time, while at the same time studying computer-based digital analysis . Another student might choose to major in modern Japanese Literature, and combine this with studies in the theory of French Literature. This Department, which offers the advantage of many instructors in a wide range of Departmental fields, is looking for students with a broad perspective and a voracious hunger for knowledge.

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